What’s entailed

About SEO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comprises two primary categories: on-page SEO and off-page SEO, with a particular emphasis on on-page SEO in this context.

On-page SEO entails the systematic optimization of a client’s website through various technical methods. The HTML (hypertext markup language) source code plays a critical role in this process, as it influences the proper functioning of a webpage and provides essential insights regarding potential optimization opportunities. Additionally, platforms such as Google Ads can be utilized to enhance visibility.

Meta tags represent a snippet of code that conveys vital information to search engines about a webpage. These tags also instruct web browsers on how to appropriately display the content to visitors. Although every webpage possesses meta tags, they remain visible solely within the HTML code itself. Tools like Semrush can be leveraged for effective meta tag management.

At Chronos Media, our focus involves developing optimal keywords and search terms that align seamlessly with your company’s objectives and niche. Keywords are specific terms relevant to your business, and upon their establishment, they are integrated into search terms—phrases that potential customers are likely to enter in search engines.

There exist two categories of search terms: “long-tail”and “short-tail,” both of which to enhancing your websites ranking on Google. Long-tail search terms are more specific and examples phrases include “hair products for men with curly hair” or “best running shoes for flat feet.” In contrasts, short-tail search terms are broader, such as “hair products for men” or “best running shoes.”

Once the keywords and search terms are defined, my team will incorporate them into your website, thereby facilitating improved visibility on Google search engine. In summary, Search Engine Optimization is the strategic process of elevating your websites ranking on search engines by employing relevant keywords and phrases commonly used by users in their search queried.


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